Week 19 of the CSA

photo (4)In this week’s share:

  • lettuce
  • tatsoi
  • spinach or baby kale
  • chard
  • kale
  • radish
  • salad turnips
  • broccoli
  • kohlrabi
  • sweet peppers
  • jalapeno peppers (enough for pickles!)
  • parsnips
  • celeriac (aka celery root)

Half share members, this week is our final “A” week.

Farm News & Recipes

Today’s fall vegetable of the week is celeriac. This knobby, hairy root is related to celery and does have a subtle celery-like essence that adds great flavor to a variety of dishes. It also has less starch than most root vegetables and a shelf life of several months in the refrigerator. Peel away its ruddy exterior to reveal the ivory-fleshed beauty beneath. Celeriac is great sliced thin in salad or slaw, adds a whole new dimension to mashed potatoes, and purees nicely with parsnips.

Parsnips are another long-anticipated fall favorite. High in potassium and fiber and rich in antioxidants, parsnips have a sweet, earthy flavor. Bake them into fries with some rosemary, cream them with spinach, cook them with pasta and bacon, even bake them into muffins with apples.