Water tank tower

One way to build our irrigation water tower.  we spent sunday hauling wood from the pine trees we felled south of the new greenhouse up to a shaded area on the edge of the fields.  This area was slightly lower than where we had the tanks last year so we needed about a foot and […]
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i was away for just under 2 weeks and I returned to some serious changes…  Many new beds established, greenhouse is full of soil blocks, solar array is complete, huge stacks of new lumber drying, and on and on.   Just a few of the sights are below.  will take more pix tomorrow
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water update

well it has not rained in some time and we are in the middle of a big heat wave. we started out the weekend using our sprinkler setup pumping from our water tank that was pretty much full. On friday evening our well water went murky.  we suspect that we might have run it low […]
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freezer hacking and farm coolers

ok, so i did not find some old freezer for free on the corner, but we successfully completed the ubiquitous freezer hack. we want to be able to store a large quantity of veggies in a fridge that cools things quickly.  why? in order to deliver great veggies you want to cool them down as […]
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we have a truck

our friend alan made the 8 day journey across reno with his crazy co-pilot steven.  the discomo is now happily parked in the barn as with her roof rack she does not fit in the garage – to say nothing of still being soaked in playa dust.  hopefully the weather cooperates and we can take […]
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deer fence posts – and the one person post hole digger

HEAVY equipment… hardly, but who would have thought that operating a power tool would be so tiring.  this thing was kinda nuts, but it was way better than banging a digging bar into the ground.  i drove to home depot this morning – something i fear that i will have to do many more times […]
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sheet mulch

We still haven’t managed to make contact with our neighbor with a plow (in spite of a lovely two-people-on-one-bike trip around the neighborhood where we met a lot of other nice people), but we have a lot of hungry sprouts, so we’ve started expanding the existing garden beds.  Lewis had a giant piece of nice […]
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knowing what to buy

It seems pretty obvious that in order to be a successful farmer you need to buy as little as possible.  It is also important that you have the correct (and most well-made) tools you need to get the job done – multiple farmers have stressed the importance of this to us.  We’re just starting out, […]
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TECHNOLOGY – webcam, weather station, computers, remote desktop… ugh

We want to be able to keep an eye on things while we are not here – check temp in greenhouse, see if it is getting dry,  etc.  in general we thought logging the weather conditions up here might give us a bit more insight into what is happening with our crops. i chose this […]
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Makeshift Greenhouse

Lewis and I made a greenhouse of sorts this weekend in the yoga room.  Yes, it is a little early for us to start planting (considering we have no toasty place to move these seeds to once they sprout and that, even if it weren’t still way cold in the unprotected outdoors, we don’t have […]
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