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zombie apocalypse training

in addition to growing food we are learning all kinds of great things here on the farm.  today we practiced skeet shooting and some held a firearm in their hands for the first time
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meanwhile in NYC

the cold snap after a crazy warm winter has the urban gardeners coming up with some creative solutions.  as seen in the east village this morning.
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NOFA-NY Winter Conference

Verena, Lewis, and I are at the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York winter conference in Saratoga Springs this weekend.  It has been great hearing presentations (got some ideas for on-farm events and for more efficient CSA distribution!), but the best part has been talking with other farmers one-on-one.  Everyone is friendly, approachable, and […]
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2011 Farmer

Position: Farmer Seeking a farmer to operate a 1+ acre mixed vegetable market garden on 41 acre farm property in Wingdale, NY – 80 miles north of NYC and 1 mile from a metro north station.  Housing is provided.  In 2010 we completed our first year operating a CSA and raising lambs for meat.  In […]
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.84 or 1.3 inches of rain

i’m just saying…  normally not big news but to us a BIG DEAL!  YEAH.  back up to 1400 gallons of rain water and a few days break from hand watering.  it has been a heroic effort between anna, abbie, amber, lucas, christina, emily, and others.  we figure you can water about 50 gallons an hour […]
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July Farming

As each month goes by, we get more efficient and proficient at the activity that happens most during that part of the season. In March and April, we honed our seed-blocking technique. In May and June, we worked our way through transplanting and direect seeding. Now in July, we’re learning more and more about two […]
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i can't believe that worked!

A couple of weekends ago we found that our eggplants were covered and flea beetles and most of the leaves were so eaten-through that they were like lace.  So, after a little internet research (yikes!) we went out and killed as many of the bugs as we could by hand.  We made a few passes […]
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compost fail – and second try!

You may remember that we came up with a temporary composting system in the mudroom when we arrived at the farm.  The outside compost pile (made almost entirely of horse manure and wood chips) was both frozen and very far from the kitchen (and also not an ideal size for incorporating kitchen scraps). We’ve been […]
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Direct sown sprouts coming up!

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