In this week’s share:
- salad mix
- kale & chard
- tatsoi
- salad turnips
- french breakfast & icicle radishes
- white & orange carrots
- eggplant
- sweet red peppers (the long red ones are jimmy nardello’s. the large red ones are red bells. both are sweet and not hot at all)
- delicata winter squash (the squash is not cured so store it in the fridge if you don’t plan on eating it soon)
- jalapeno peppers (green, smooth skin, a little hot)
packed together in a small bag:
- ground cherries
- tomatillos
- padron peppers (lighter green, wrinkled skin, only large ones are hot)
- cherry tomatoes
Half share members, this week is a “B” week.
Farm News & Recipes
This week’s special delight comes in the form of padron peppers. These little green gems are one of my favorite things to grow and eat in the late summer. Padron peppers come from the northwest part of Spain where they are a common tapas dish. They couldn’t be easier to prepare – just throw them in hot oil, shake them a couple times to make sure they get blistered on all sides, then serve with a generous sprinkling of coarse sea salt. If you want to get fancy, stick with the Spanish theme and use your red peppers to make some Romesco sauce for dipping. Most of the padron peppers should be quite mild, with the slightest amount of smoky heat to them. If you are very sensitive to spice avoid the larger ones (they get hotter as they get bigger) or just eat the bottom half of the peppers and try not to touch the seeds.
Delicata squash is not only beautiful but delicious too. The skin is edible and gets very tender when you roast it so just clean it well, don’t bother peeling it off. Cut the squash in half, scoop out the seeds, then cut into half inch slices so you’ll end up with a bunch of crescent moon shaped pieces. Toss those in olive oil, salt, and pepper and roast at 425 until tender, about 10 minutes per side (but possibly less, as I just picked these yesterday).
And finally, a chickpea salad with roasted red peppers would make a good take-to-work lunch.