THAWING – mid march
Just got back from California and for the first time in months we can see the ground. and life is starting to pop out: and we put the final touches on the greenhouse: and andrew faust came up yesterday and dug out our spring… more on that later. Water is bubbling out of the ground […]
water update
well it has not rained in some time and we are in the middle of a big heat wave. we started out the weekend using our sprinkler setup pumping from our water tank that was pretty much full. On friday evening our well water went murky. we suspect that we might have run it low […]
freezer hacking and farm coolers
ok, so i did not find some old freezer for free on the corner, but we successfully completed the ubiquitous freezer hack. we want to be able to store a large quantity of veggies in a fridge that cools things quickly. why? in order to deliver great veggies you want to cool them down as […]
expanding and experimenting
so our friend and mentor, verena, had this great idea that we should be able to use a bunch of 1-2″ sticks to make fence posts for deer fencing. here are the first few in the ground. i spent an hour pulling various pieces of already fallen wood out of the woods. i then watched […]
average temperatures, precipitation, etc & planting calendar
We are still fleshing out the planting calendar, but we’re very far along (we have the plant dates down, anyway, which is the part we need to worry about first). Most planting directions are given in terms of weeks before/after frost date. A few say things like “when the temperature is a reliable 60.” I […]
TECHNOLOGY – webcam, weather station, computers, remote desktop… ugh
We want to be able to keep an eye on things while we are not here – check temp in greenhouse, see if it is getting dry, etc. in general we thought logging the weather conditions up here might give us a bit more insight into what is happening with our crops. i chose this […]
"freezing temperatures"; "danger of frost"
After planting seeds last weekend I’ve been thinking a lot about how well they’ll do after we transfer them outside (under protection). I am honestly not an expert on when and how frost forms or which plants can survive (or benefit!) from freezing temperature and which don’t… Here’s some info on why frost forms (yes, […]