THAWING – mid march

Just got back from California and for the first time in months we can see the ground. and life is starting to pop out: and we put the final touches on the greenhouse: and andrew faust came up yesterday and dug out our spring… more on that later.  Water is bubbling out of the ground […]
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First Frost

It did indeed frost last night. Heavily. The difference in the color and visible aliveness of the tender plants is obvious even as the frost had melted off in the early morning sun on the field. This image is from the shady area behind the barn where the frost was still hanging on. Dead are […]
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End of a Season

The forecast tonight calls for 31F and a freeze warning is in effect. I spent a few hours this evening collecting all of the peppers, eggplants, and tomatoes that might possibly get ripe off the vine. A few watermelons were left, and I brought them in, too. Some of them sound like nobody’s home (knocking […]
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naked farm field = terrifying

We arrived this weekend to see that our farmer neighbor had plowed our field for us as promised.  Moving forward we are going to avoid disturbing the soil so deeply, but this first year we decided plowing was the only way to prep the entire grass-covered field in time (the alternative would have been sheet […]
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"freezing temperatures"; "danger of frost"

After planting seeds last weekend I’ve been thinking a lot about how well they’ll do after we transfer them outside (under protection).  I am honestly not an expert on when and how frost forms or which plants can survive (or benefit!) from freezing temperature and which don’t… Here’s some info on why frost forms (yes, […]
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Frost dates

Cornell has a very useful map of frost dates by county.  For where we are it’s April 20-30th.  For NYC it’s around April 14th.
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