average temperatures, precipitation, etc & planting calendar

We are still fleshing out the planting calendar, but we’re very far along (we have the plant dates down, anyway, which is the part we need to worry about first).  Most planting directions are given in terms of weeks before/after frost date.  A few say things like “when the temperature is a reliable 60.”  I […]
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Get the Daily Moon Phases widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox! Not seeing a widget? (More info) so just when our calendar makes sense now we need to consider moon phases. what is the best source of info to guide us in planting along with the moon. i remember this being a […]
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wrapping our heads around farming

years of scheduling complicated productions and pipelines may prove to be completely useless as a farmer, but at least as a learning exercise it sure helped us wrap our heads around planting seeds.  Which is intricately related to green house square footage, row feet in the garden and most importantly getting some mixture of food […]
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Frost dates

Cornell has a very useful map of frost dates by county.  For where we are it’s April 20-30th.  For NYC it’s around April 14th.
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