WELCOME BACK TO G<3F 2013! So glad to have you all aboard – Thank you for all your support through the off season and all your help getting us to full subscriptions again this year. Now it is real and we are literally harvesting months of hard work.
Bravo Hilary for holding it down solo since February and making the first Delivery happen in May. Impressive. Welcome Julie, G<3F 2013 Farmer #2. Hope you enjoyed your first trip down to the big apple. I dont think we are in Ojai anymore.
We have been juicing and making smoothies and stir fries daily with the first greens of the season. So excited for what is to come. Events are kicking into full swing as are work weekends and midweek farm getaways. Keep in touch and if you have an opening in your calendar and looking to spend a bit of time getting to know your veggies and farmers a bit better, drop us a line.
more soon on current projects underway and upcoming events.