zombie apocalypse training

in addition to growing food we are learning all kinds of great things here on the farm.  today we practiced skeet shooting and some held a firearm in their hands for the first time
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Earthship tire building

First we put the tires all in place and started filing the tires with dirt.  These tires will be the support for a platform for our Yurt. Then we used sledge hammers to ram the dirt to fill the tires. Hard work… 10 plus buckets of dirt per tire later we leveled the tires to […]
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WORKSHOP – Sustainable Building: Rammed Earth Tire Construction

This Saturday 5/14 from 2-5pm we will explore rammed earth tire construction. Old tires litter the planet and pollute our communities. Architect Mike Reynolds has pioneered a method for turning waste tires into valuable building materials. We will discuss the characteristics of tire bricks and explore the possibilities that this building method has to offer for sustainable […]
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